The Massive Opportunity of "Mindfullness"

Hey we all have our own unique way of making decisions, and I think all of us could look back and say, wow, I should have thought about that more before I spoke, or decide on what to do.

Believe me I've been told that more than once, ouch!

I was introduced to the study of Mindfulness a number of years ago and when I reflected on my default decision making process I realized that I had the tendency to emotionally race through a lot of decisions without thinking "Deeply" about "Why" I even made the decision?

Studying Mindfulness has helped me immensely in making better decisions and realizing much more amicable outcomes.

As Steve Siebold in 177 Mental Toughness Secrets says, "Humans make decisions based on emotion, and justify them after, with logic".

Mindfulness gives us the opportunity to step into "Critical Thinking" mode and to step outside ourselves and look back at the situation from the '"Objective Reality" perspective during the decision thought process resulting in more logical decisions and much more gratifying solutions.

Here's a link to a set of quizzes to get you or you business team started on your personal Mindfulness journey, enjoy!