Investing in Apartment Buildings, not just for the REIT's and Hedge Funds; You Can Too!

Check this out, I found an excellent article, albeit a bit dated its still very relevant, on the aggressive acquisition of Mom and Pop Apartment buildings by Hedge Funds and REIT's.

This is one of the main reasons we decided to build new apartment buildings instead of buying existing buildings, with the market for apartment buildings being so hot just like the rest of the Real Estate Market it made sense to build new buildings and position them for sale. If the Market turns we just hold and cash flow until the market reaches our target sell price.

The up side to this trend is that there's traditionally been a healthy niche market of Apartment Buildings out in the market that are "Under the Radar" of the REIT's and Hedge Funds.

There's still lots of opportunity to buy great cash flowing buildings but it just takes a little more effort and some deep relationships with building owners.
My investors and I are definitely going to buy more Apartment Buildings before the REIT's get them.

So why are the Mom and Pops selling?

Here's the deal; they acquired their wealth in these properties over the last 20 to 30 years by owning, managing and dealing with tenants and toilets.
After so many years of hard work they're retiring and cashing out.

I don't blame them, tenants and toilets is not as fun as the Bahamas 6 months a year, and, the price for their properties is at an all time high.

I'll talk more about this at our next meetup event in Langley
RSVP to come to the Meetup and get better at safely investing in Cash Flowing Properties.

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