Mindfulness - How Can I Increase My Success Energy?

Ok So on to my epiphany;

I ask myself this fundamental success strategy question all the time; "How Can I Increase My Success Energy?", and every once in a while I get into a conversation with someone about it and have a new epiphany.

I had one of those conversations a while back, and here's what unfolded;
The conversation was about EXPECTATIONS, and I've always said, "Remove the Expectation, and you remove the possibility of disappointment".

So what did, "Taking this to the next level", look like?

Well, it's about instead of removing expectation, "SWITCHING IT TO THE POSITIVE ONLY", and REMOVING the Negative, from Expectation.

To create the Positive Intention we have to start by creating a connection between "Intention", and "Faith", and "Feeling", and remove, or displace the connection between Intention and doubt, disappointment and the worry of failure.

So why is this so important?

Because what you focus on, what you give energy to, is what grows, like my Mom always said, sing to your flowers, and they'll grow better, now I understand what she meant!

I invite you to give this a try, practice "Positive Intention", as often as you can think of it until it becomes habit, and let me know if it works for you, what changed in your life.

When your setting goals, when you decide to do something challenging, or any time you have a conversation with someone your putting an intention forward.

Well that intention has a life, a presence, an energy that's created by the thought, but then gains power and momentum with every additional thought and action toward achieving it, created by you, "and the others you share it with".

So the trick is, keep the energy, the thoughts, the faith and the feeling around the intention positive, fun, happy and harmonious, and you'll be much more likely to see a positive result.

In other words, displace all negatives, with POSITIVE, and the results are much more likely to be positive.

In practice this means displacing from both your thoughts and your conversations with others "doubt, disappointment and the notion of failure", and displace them with, "Faith, Feelings of Happiness and Harmony and the Anticipation of Inevitable Success".

Practice this, and, Expect Success :-)
Rick Genovese.