
Our Mission; “To enrich the lives of each and every Investor partner and community we invest in”.

A Mission founded in the peace of mind that comes from sharing safe, stable Multi Family Apartment Building investments that yield exceptional returns. Each investor will be provided with an investment life plan showing how the rate of return improves as the buildings pay for themselves while at the same time paying the investors returns from 7 profit centres including monthly passive income.


Opportunities To Invest

Current Developments

Land Assemblies


Rick and the Virtuoso team bring a wealth of experience to the Real Estate Investing forum from diverse Independent Business Ventures in the fields of Real Estate Investing, Mortgage Brokering, OEM Manufacturing Operations, and Construction Business Management. Our LEAN experience is a Strategic Advantage proven to create efficiency and continuous improvement of revenues, properties, systems, and operations efficiencies that produce higher yields for our investor partners.

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Over the years, our team has created significant wealth for our Private Investor Partners through investment in Apartment Buildings. Apartment Buildings are highly sought-after investments due to having long operating business track records resulting in predictable and stable valuations and start-ups.

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Apartment Buildings in our target markets are highly sought-after investments due to having long operating business track records resulting in predictable and stable valuations and start-ups. New larger Apartment Buildings are more liquid than most Commercial Real Estate Assets due to the appetite of REIT’s for acquisition of Completed and Operating Apartment Buildings. Specializing in 6-100 Unit Apartment Buildings improves returns due to economies of scale, and Apartment Building Real Estate Investments generate profit from 7 profit centers, more profit centers than any other investment sector, including monthly passive income.

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Our Partners

Success is built on Strategic Partnerships with industry leading thinkers. We focus on engaging the people and organizations that have influence where it matters and have proven track records of producing above average results in their areas of Core Excellence.


We look forward to building prosperous, long term relationships with each and every investment partner, founded in sharing wealth opportunity, inspired action and value creation


News and Updates

Keeping our investors up to date on Strategic Direction, Market Trends, Economic and Political Trends and our Corporate Culture and Values is of paramount importance.